Love Quotes

today in the morning i spoke to someone very special to me

and suddenly a thought came to my mind

i request all to express yours here in a poetic way
you need not to be a very good poet for paticipating here

just write what you feel.............
before submitting your poem, just give a brief introduction of your "special poem"

+k to all participants
so let me start

this poem i have written when i wasnt member of FOTN
this was written for "innocent face" just after a month
of meeting him

The first mail u sent
Hard to believe we met on the net,
I am glad to internet for that………..
Since then we have moved so far
Still don’t know who u r
Every day hoping to see ya online
I am so lucky that I have seen ur “innocent face”
Now ur so close to my heart
See how it happened so fast
U told ur story I told mine
That made both of us feel fine
Don’t know where we lead at last
All argument we did is belong to the past
U r there as someone to care
I felt lonely when ur not there
relationship like this is so weird
But its something we never get tired . . .
I am glad I am the first one to reply here...... I am the lucky one to reply over here as the first one......
the way you said
the way I listened
all the time
all the tears
all the smiles
the memories
the thoughts
the feelings
the emotions
all so sublime
inter-woven in fabric
called life.....
life... i think
it is life
when I touched u
in my mind
the feeling of closeness
the emotional affinity
the candid smile
the moody thoughts
the sweetness of memories
the courage to stand united
the hope in the tears
that's called friendship
yeah I think it is friendship
above all realtions
May be my words donot qualify for a poem, still I think I am able to convey my heart to you
You are the one with whom I feel a nearness of heart, I know i can always depend on you, we stood united in all circumstances without question of right or wrong........
I owe you so much my friend
I wish I cud hug you
and kiss you and feel u
u and the warmth u carry
the fragrance of hope u have
the healing touch of ur hands
the soothing effect of ur vioce
the calmness I feel in ur lap
Although we have not met ,
still I can feel all that

You may not have ever seen me
But you know that I am here
You can feel me in your heart
As you enter each new day
I will always be there for you
I am your friend your buddy
Someone to share the good times
As well as the bad
I make no judgments by what you say
I just listen with my heart
I'm here to listen,to talk
With happiness With Smiles
And always please remember
I am your friend

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